Sunday, May 12, 2013

Side-Game 1: The iPhone Alert Game

As we all know, most people in the modern world have a smart phone, but this game is specifically oriented towards those individuals with iPhones (you know, people like us who've gotten sucked past the event horizon of having an iPhone and probably well never go back from not knowing how?).

This game is simple. Based on the number of people playing in the drinking game you're currently playing (since the iPhone game cannot be guaranteed to get you anywhere if you're just not popular enough to have an active phone life), you pick however many Ringtones from the iPhone text message and app alert noises.

From here, you assign the number of sip accordingly to each ringtone. Marimba is 1, Alert is 2, so on and so forth until everyone has a different ringtone set to default and each ringtone is worth up to a maximum of 3 sips at a time. So, repeat 1 sip, 2 sips, 3 sips, then start at 1 sip again, looping around for however many people you need.

Once you've assigned the ringtones, the real challenge begins. All players must turn their phones on loud. Not silent, not vibrate, but loud (after all, everyone has to hear the ringtone).

Of course, where would the fun be without a twist? If you're not paying attention and you forget to take your sips or you miss the sound, your sips are doubled to a maximum of six sips at one time.

This game is designed to be played at the same time as another game in order to maximize sloshiness, but also to distract other players, making them more likely to miss their turns and thus, having to drink doubly.


Please, please drive responsibly, do not drive drunk, because if you're playing two games at once (the right way), you will be schwasted before the party even starts.  While we condone having fun, we do not condone irresponsible habits, drinking in driving, or any other sort of asinine behavior that leads to someone harming themselves or others.

And last, but not least, have fun!

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